I quit my 9-5

Yes, you heard me correctly.  I know you are either saying, what? It’s about time or God I wish I could quit my job. But my favorite will be, “Congratulations, you will be amazing, you got this!”

There were plenty of years I shook my head saying, you can’t be serious that you are doing this work over your life’s work, right? My inner voice saying, one day, you will be brave and you will be in a job suited for your calling.

It wasn’t easy to take this leap, it took lots of motivational, business and goal oriented podcasts this past year to get me where I could make this decision.  Along with friends encouraging me and my husband and even strangers.  You always want to believe in yourself but it is important to know people believe in you.


Below see my top motivating people, Brendan particularly has 7-10min motivation for life and what you are capable of, and he just wakes you up, check them out.  I would take my journals(above) an jot down any advice they had.

The Charged Life by Brendan Burchard

Chalene Johnson


My mentor Grace Booney, After the Jump who I got to meet. (previous blog entry)


Designer I am….

And lets not forget, Interior Design school, many knew and many didn’t at work, but right before Superstorm Sandy I started school. It was a struggle to start after being displaced and took some of the joy out of it sadly.  But I made it happen and I graduated this January.  So it’s time to strike while the iron’s hot as they say.

Why share all this? Well because it is a part of my journey and maybe I can encourage you and show you that even when you do wait, it doesn’t mean it is over.  Dance if you want too, learn if you want too and stop worrying about shit and just go and do it!


My friends have been there for me for years pushing me and these past few months especially, encouraging me and always telling me, you are going to do great.  And these aren’t blowing smoke up my ass friends, but when I tell everyone today, I know the support will be amazing.

What are you going to do?????


I will tell you what I am not going to do: put pressure on myself.

I will be working my social media, getting my website looking fab and doing art and design work. From consulting to party planning to crafting up a storm. Traveling and exploring.  You can always contact me for something!

I always use the saying,”She took the road less traveled” (my favorite book is, The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck)   And sometimes we lose sight of that. Why are we conforming?  This is your life, do with it as you wish.  Where did the Jennifer go that quit her job and packed up and moved to Egypt (yes I left Lancer  between those 16 years), she got older and fearful. Well I miss that girl.

I hope you will support me in my future endeavors and I thank you for taking the time to read this.   Feel free to leave a comment.


Jennifer C Aly  http://www.decorandlotsmore.com

Follow me here or on IG and FB @decorandlotsmore